CB star Gell
CB star Gell packing 300 ml For :- Basically milk fever associated Problem ke ley For :- calcium and phosphorus deficiency 🏅

PH star pro
PH star pro Packing :- 60 gm For :- Mastitis problem

CB Star Bolus
CB Star Bolus Packing 20 bolus in one Box Calsium BOLUS For :- increasing milk

Hungry Star BOLUS
Hungry Star BOLUS Enzyme Bolus Packing 4 Bolus in one Strip

WSB :- Worm Star Bolus
WSB :- Worm Star Bolus Single Bolus for One Animal ( Cow 🐄 nd Buffalo 🐃 ) large animal 1 bolus For Small :- Half BOLUS

Tna-Tan Spray
Tna-Tan Spray wound Healing Spray Packing:- 100 ml 1 nam 3 kam :- 1 kide pde ho 2 Jakhm ho 3 purane se purana Chram rog ho

HEETO - STAR ⭐ BOLUS For :- Infertility Mineral Bolus and vitamin Bolus Packing 10 bolus in one box and course for 10 days after deworming.

CB Star-TS
CB Star-TS It's a Liquid calcium Highly Concentrated Formula With power of Dextrose Packing 1 ltr 5 ltr nd 20 LTR 🏅 Dose :- 50/100 ml daily

CB Star-TS
CB Star-TS It's a Liquid calcium Highly Concentrated Formula With power of Dextrose Packing 1 ltr 5 ltr nd 20 LTR 🏅 Dose :- 50/100 ml daily